Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Speaking at Deep Creek Baptist Church in Chesapeake, VA

I had a great time speaking at the Crazy Ladies 2nd Annual Food Fest sponsored by Deep Creek Baptist Church in Chesapeake, VA. I always love having the opportunity to speak into the lives of women whenever I can. I deem it a real honor and I don't take it lightly. 

I love sharing my funny stories and making the women laugh, but even more importantly, I enjoy encouraging them in their everyday lives. Women always seem to be doing things for others. They are always giving out and seldom do they leave time to just sit down and receive. That's why I love the chance to speak positive, life-giving words into them as much as possible. Women are always so busy and they normally have a 100 things on their to-do list on any given day. So I really appreciate the time they take out of their busy schedules to come to a tea or a luncheon to relax and to allow me to spread a little jam on their daily bread. 

Thanks to all of you who have invited me to speak to your women's groups throughout the year. I am blessed more than anyone else. I meet so many courageous and unstoppable women. I feel encouraged myself just getting to spend a couple of hours with each group, talking, sharing and best of all, laughing. 

I pray God will continue to open doors for us as we follow His lead. We desire to impact the lives of as many women as possible for the cause of Christ. Make no mistake ladies, God loves you and He sees all that you do on a daily basis. Don't ever grow weary of doing good. One day you will celebrate a huge harvest. Don't quit. Don't give up. During hard times, pray even harder. Quitting is never an option. 

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